The days are flitting by as I and about 2000 talented authors prepare to launch our audio and video pitch to become the Next Top Spiritual Author! Right now all I can reveal is that soon you will be invited to register to vote on the Next Top Spiritual Author website. On or before March 29th I will post specific information about their site and my personal author ID and URL so you can cast your vote for my book "Feather Gifts"! Stay tuned! Voting begins March 30th!
Meanwhile I'd like to share a recent experience that feels somehow related to all this excitement!
I was in yoga class with my mat situated so I could look out the window as I moved through my salutes to the sun. Across the street, on a high chimney, sat a single blackbird. My practice turned into a communication of sorts with the small bird.
In our daily readings and chants we have been focusing on Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance. As I stared at the tiny creature on the chimney, I felt a certain melding with Lakshmi and the bird itself, who for the sake of this post I will call "She-bird". She-bird sat there against a robin's egg blue sky, with no choice but to let her dark feathers drink in the warm sun that beamed down on her. It was just there for the taking. She-bird turned her head this way and that, surveying her immediate territory of asphalt and brick, then beyond to the treetops that were visible in every direction. I imagine her gaze found the nearby Delaware River and distant mountains with no thought of lack or concern for what to eat or where to go next. She-bird innately practiced, from birth, what I've worked for years to re-learn...the essence of "being". She-bird stayed with me, perched on that chimney, until just before "shivasana" the ending pose of yoga. I turned away for an instant and when I looked back she had flown into her bountiful world, but her message remains.
My yoga teacher then read a quote about Lakshmi. "She is one whose object and aim is to uplift humankind." Without knowing it, She-bird did that for me. She reminded me that during this contest and in life, there is nothing to do but to drink in all that is laid before me with joy and gratitude. There is no need to be concerned about what to do next, but to simply follow the natural rhythms. I can look beyond my immediate surrounding to the boundless hills and endless sky...Abundance!
In the spirit of She-bird, may these words uplift and carry you into your day where ever you are.
With Gratitude,
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