Numerous times in my life, my personal mantra has been, “If
only I could give you--X--on a silver platter.” Joy, beauty, hope, faith…whatever
you choose is there for you when you allow it to be. I can’t give those things
to you, but I can show you that they are possible and crucial in
this ever-chaotic and confusing world.
At a time in history where there is so much to be concerned
about, a time when we have no great heroes in our midst like Gandhi and Martin
Luther King, no one to speak up for us, I believe we are the ones who must step
up and speak out. There are too many “issues” to choose from, so many things
that need work you say? Indeed. Yet as one person there are many things you can
do to keep the human spirit strong, both yours and that of
others, by choosing joy when circumstances would ask you to do otherwise. Not frivolous
“joy” as in giddy, slap-happy, nutso, but rather a deep, underlying trust in
the strength and power of LOVE.
For if each of us falls into despair, if we give in to fear
and hopelessness, if we give up, THEN they’ve got us! When we feel hopeless our
strength is diminished, our power all but gone. Yet when we feel joy and love
and possibility for the future, our power returns with intensity and we have a
potency that can carry us through. This is why I fill my days with lovely
music, uplifting books, nature – good god where would any of us be without
trees, mountains, and creatures! There is no television or radio hawking constant
bad news at me, nor advertisements for all the things they would have me
believe I need.
The tactic of fear-creating and trying to push people down
has been used for eons by controlling entities. Giving Native Americans
blankets infused with small pox and surprise attacks dwindled their
populations. Later, giving them alcohol (that their systems were not used to),
unhealthy foodstuffs, and imprisoning them on reservations was a way to break them
down. Yet strong Native leaders still do their best to keep spirits proud and
high via ritual, prayer, and tradition.
Will you join me in this new revolution? It is time for LOVE
to reign! It is time for joy and faith to flourish! It is time to turn our
sights on beauty and see how it changes things. Trust me…it will.
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